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Slow Down...But Stay Active in 2022!!!

Throughout this whole pandemic we have re-learned hygienic habits that we need to maintain. Most of the time this requires us to slow down our daily pace. For example, remembering your mask everyday adds time to your daily routine. Carrying loads of hand sanitizer wherever you go. Wash your hands more frequently throughout the day. In the gym, you have to wipe down machines before and after. Processing groceries for safety and the list goes on. All these processes have added minutes and hours to our lives, but it's our duty to ourselves and loved ones to maintain these standards.

If all these processes have taught us something, we probably need to SLOW DOWN a bit. Slowing down is not bad. It may seem counter productive, but we need to slow down to plan. If we plan we can get more done efficiently and effectively. Sometimes slowing down may seem boring. When we say we are bored, it could be time for ourselves to contemplate our environment. Get in touch with our senses. When was the last time we actually sat down and heard the different birds humming or just enjoyed how our bed sheets felt, gazing at the landscape in the neighborhood. Paying attention to the scents around us. Savor the food we eat. Just being mindful of all our surroundings. These are all benefits of slowing down.

This doesn't mean we are not active. Staying active during these times is even more necessary than ever. Going for a walk, a jog, just moving in the same place for at least 30 min everyday. Get your heart rate up! At Aloha Activewear we believe being ACTIVE is a need, not a want. We fully embody the fact that regular physical activity: reduces risk of heart attacks, helps manage weight better, lower risk of type 2 diabetes, have lower blood pressure, have stronger bones, muscles and joints, recover better from hospitalizations, just FEEL BETTER – with more energy, a better mood, feel more relaxed and sleep better.* In addition and most importantly, exercise improves your mood and mental health. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less anxious.**

So how do we slow down, but stay active. We COMBINE them! Slow down to plan your week to include your self care time and include physical activity. Slow down to write a couple of lines on how you feel or what you accomplished and feel good about yourself and keep your mind active. Slow down to feel the breeze, smell nature, look at the clouds, listen carefully to your favorite music, identify new sounds or lyrics you may have missed out on and savor the water that you drink to replenish your body. If we just slow down a BIT. We can feel, smell, look, listen and taste things we have never before, and all this can be done while doing a physical activity. Enjoy every day of 2022 AND Stay Safe!!

Aloha Activewear



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