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Positivity, Hope and Kindness 2022

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

Here at Aloha Activewear our INTENTION is to share POSITIVITY, not lose HOPE and to be KIND. These three characteristics will keep us relevant for longer than we can even imagine.

Positivity for us refers to staying positive regardless of the outcomes. Although sales have not been booming they have been consistent. Consistency in the long term for us is better than having a really good month. Daring to look at the positive can easily remove the negative and provide the fuel to continue marching forward; even through adversity. Now, keep in mind we are not about forcing positivity, “So if positivity doesn't feel right for you, or doesn't feel right in a specific situation, that's okay.” It's just the thought we are sharing.

Keeping hope alive has been inspiring for us. Even through these unprecedented times we always kept hope that things would return back to normal (even if it's a new kind of normal). Not all businesses become Amazon, Apple and Google. Businesses are created with a purpose and as long as you stay true to that purpose and at least help one person you will find it rewarding. That keeps hope alive for us.

Identifying and challenging unhelpful thinking patterns is one of the most effective ways to manage anxiety and boost our mood. While we may not be able to control the outside world, there are plenty of things we can control around us, starting with our attitude.” Let's make this a hopeful attitude.

Last but not least, within this uncertain near future, being KIND to ourselves and others is the best we can do while we focus on the present. Being kind to ourselves by not beating ourselves up for having a bad day, week or month. Being kind to others by showing respect and following the golden rule of treating others as you would like to be treated. Is one of the best customer service lessons we can pass along.

When science can back up that Kindness is our greatest asset as humans. There is nothing else to say!


Aloha Activewear


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