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  • Writer's picturealohaactivewear808

Dawn of a New Era...or So it Seems....

It SEEMS like COVID is over....but...“Although reported cases and deaths are declining globally, and several countries have lifted restrictions, the pandemic is far from over – and it will not be over anywhere until it’s over everywheresaidWHO Director Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus

“The virus continues to evolve, and we continue to face major obstacles in distributing vaccines, tests and treatments everywhere they are needed” he said. Don't let your guard down! Lets continue the practices we have learned through the pandemic, which we should have been doing in the first place. Sanitizing frequently touched objects, vaccination, covering our coughs and sneezes and washing our hands often.

“Science and solidarity have proven to be an unbeatable combination. We must re-dedicate ourselves to ending this pandemic for all people and all countries, and closing this sad chapter in humanity’s history, once and for all”, he emphasized.

“The pandemic is far from over, not only do we need to focus on saving people’s lives we also have to focus on reducing the spread. We cannot allow this virus to spread at such an intense level”- Dr. Van Kerkhove cautioned.

We can always see the positive through all these periods, although its not over, we have survived a major crisis. We should ask ourselves: How many times have I endured difficult times in the past? How many times have we resolved situations like this in the past? and How has it made us better persons? Questions like these should bring our confidence level up and keep our faith at the highest levels; because one thing's for sure today is pandemic, tomorrow is a war and the next who knows. We have the tools to endure our battles, lets keep our guard up and hope for the best!


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